Russian President Putin extends invitation to PM Modi for Russia visit

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Wishes PM Modi for success in the upcoming LS election

Delhi, Dec 28: Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a meeting with External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar in New Delhi, expressed his wishes for success in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in India next year. Putin emphasized the enduring “traditional conventional friendly ties” between Moscow and New Delhi, asserting that these ties would persist regardless of the political landscape. During the meeting, Putin extended an invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Russia.
Putin discussed his conversations with Prime Minister Modi regarding the developments in Ukraine, indicating an ongoing dialogue between the two nations on the issue. The Russian President expressed satisfaction with the incremental progress in the relationship with India amid global turmoil. He expressed eagerness for Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Russia, anticipating discussions on relevant current issues and the prospects of Russian-Indian relations.
While acknowledging India’s busy political schedule next year, including general elections, Putin conveyed his confidence that the enduring friendly ties between Russia and India would continue. India’s stance on the Ukraine conflict has been rooted in the need for dialogue, and despite global pressure, the country has maintained its position of not joining the camp against Moscow. External Affairs Minister Dr Jaishankar emphasized India’s commitment to building relations globally while prioritizing actions that benefit the country.
In an interview, Dr Jaishankar highlighted Prime Minister Modi’s directive to prioritize India’s interests, even in the face of global criticism. India’s resistance to Western pressure, such as continuing to buy Russian oil despite sanctions, underscores the nation’s commitment to securing the best possible deals for its citizens. The minister questioned how Europe could expect India to act differently, emphasizing that every country seeks the most advantageous outcomes for its people amid challenges like high energy prices.


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